The Spring Conference will host a career fair  for high school and trade school students to explore working in the remodeling industry while connecting with companies offering summer jobs and internships, now or in the future.

2023 Student Career Fair

Student's Click Here To Register!

What time should students be there?

11:30 am - 1 pm

What will I do once I am there?

Meet with the exhibitors and ask questions/get to know the companies. There are some starter questions listed below!

Do I have to wear fancy clothes?

A smart casual type of look is recommended, but there is no official dress code!

How will I get there?

You can drive individually, carpool with others, or your individual school will coordinate group transportation. 

What happens once I arrive?

You will check in at the registration desk and then head to the exhibit hall. This is where you will learn more about companies and opportunities through them, as well as where lunch will be served. 

What types of questions should I ask during the career fair?

Is your company hiring for summer jobs?

What does training look like on a job?

Do you help with transportation if needed?

Is there trade scholarships available through your company if I work there?